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Newsletter / November 2022 / Recent Developments in Mentorship for Local NGOs

Recent Developments in Mentorship for Local NGOs

CLIP 2 Peer Network Studies “Exhange Meeting”, 25-26 August 2022, Bursa

Since September 2021, we have been conducting mentorship activities within the scope of the Women’s Consultation Center and Mentorship for Local NGOs Project. These studies are part of the Marmara 1 Cluster Mentorship / Peer Network created within the Community Based Local Initiatives Project (CLIP 2). We left behind a year in the project and mentorship activities. We held the Exchange Meeting in Bursa in order to evaluate this process together, share our experiences and develop joint working opportunities.

On the first day of the meeting, we talked about capacity building and technical support activities that support organizational development among peers. We sought answers to our questions about the extent to which these studies responded to the need in terms of method, and to what extent the coordination and cooperation took place. Organizations in Marmara 1 Cluster participating in the meeting shared their exemplary practices that can enrich the application methods and tools of all of us within the framework of their expertise. In addition to this, we evaluated the past year’s process with group work, and we did a feedback study on the design of the mentorship/peer network in the upcoming period.

On the second day of the Exchange Meeting, we were all together at the ERTEV Foundation Building. First, we listened to the presentation on Foundation Studies and Producing Children Project. Later, we attended wood design and robotic coding workshops accompanied by the foundation’s trainers, and we learned about design and application with 3D printers. In the group work we carried out in the foundation building, we talked about our advantages and disadvantages in carrying out joint projects in line with our different expertise. We discussed which of our practices, methods and tools could be the source of joint projects.

It was very valuable to be side by side with all the members of the Marmara 1 Cluster Mentorship/Peer Network in the same place and to share our thoughts and experiences. We would like to thank MESEDER (Ankara Meslek Edindirme Derneği), Sulukule Gönüllüleri Derneği, EKSİ 25 Derneği and ERTEV (Ermetal Teknolojik Eğitimler Vakfı) for the Exchange Meeting, which lasted two full days and developed us all.


Mentor Meetings: Learning and Teaching Techniques Targeting Behavior Change Webinar, 1 September 2022

As part of the Mentorship/Peer Network’s work, Mentor Meetings have been held for a year to share information between clusters. As the mentor organization of Marmara 1 Cluster, we organized a webinar on “Learning and Teaching Techniques Targeting Behavioral Change”. The purpose of this webinar was to share the approach and method used by Mavi Kalem while designing its activities, with the organizations in its peer network. In the webinar prepared and conducted by Mavi Kalem’s Learning and Communication Consultant, we elaborated on:

– the difference between focusing on informing and focusing on behavior change

– application design focused on behavior change

– guiding an application focused on behavior change.

We had the opportunity to share our ideas and improve ourselves on these topics, both in the common area and in the small groups we divided into rooms. We have deepened in subjects such as education and learning, giving the opportunity to process information with personal experience and perspective, and ensuring voluntary participation by accepting the resistance of the participant.

We would like to thank everyone who participated from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) and the Mentorship/Peer Network.

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